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Water Quality Viewer

Water Quality Viewer Instructions

Explore map

1. Choose your drinking water contaminant of interest

  • Use the tabs above the map to choose a specific contaminant

2. Adjust the options of the map

  • Select year (from 1999-2017) below the map
  • Select summary unit of drinking water contaminant levels (annual mean or maximum) above the map on the left

3. Select your geographic region of interest

  • Type in the name of a county, city, or zip code above top right corner of the map and click the magnifying glass to zoom to that region
  • Use the zoom feature in the bottom right corner of the map and drag the map to your area of interest
  • Click 'Zoom CA' to return the map extent to the entire state of California

4. View information for specific community water system

  • Click on an individual dot to view information about that water system
  • If cursor is an arrow instead of a hand, this means the map is still loading

Explore state-level time series chart

1. Scroll down to the chart displayed below the map

  • Chart will display data for whichever contaminant has been selected for the map
  • Change the contaminant using the tabs above the map

2. Adjust the options of the chart

  • Select summary unit of drinking water contaminant level (annual mean or maximum)
  • Select unit of measuring impact (number of community water systems or number of people served by community water systems)

3. View specific data points

  • Hover over specific contaminant level range above the chart to highlight the graph line that corresponds with that range (ND indicates non detectable levels)
  • Hover over point on chart to view data for a given year
  • Switch to table view to see all values