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Agricultural Pesticide Use Near Public Schools in California

This study used state of the art methods to characterizing harmful agricultural pesticide use near California schools. The study results confirmed longstanding community concerns about agricultural pesticide use near schools, and the data resulted in new state regulations and local policies to better protect children's health.

Tracking California conducted a study to examine the use of agricultural pesticides near public schools in 2010 for 15 agricultural counties in California.

The study provided data about the types and amounts of pesticides applied near public schools and identified racial disparities among children attending schools near the most pesticide use. 

This information has been used to help guide policies, research, and other efforts to reduce potential pesticide exposures among schoolchildren. 

The results of this study are described in the report Agricultural Pesticide Use Near Public Schools in California.

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Project Funder

The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cooperative Agreement Number 5U38EH000953-02.

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