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PFAS Maps Instructions

  1. Select a map that you are interested in viewing using the sidebar or menu located on the left-hand side of the page. The four maps you can select from include:

    • PFAS in CA 2013-2015 and 2019-2020
    • PFAS contaminants detected
    • Average PFAS Levels
    • PFOA & PFOS Levels
  2. Instructions for individual maps:

    PFAS in CA 2013-2015 and 2019-2020
    1. Select the map (PFAS Detects 2013-2015, PFAS Detects 2019-2020, or PFAS Detects Both 2013-2015 and 2019-2020) you are interested in learning more about using the tabs along the top (left) of the page

    2. Click on any individual point/circle in any map to yield the following information in a pop up window:

      • Public Water System Identification Number (PWSID)

      • County where water system is located

      • Population Served

        • To view the maps' legend, click on the blue colored i button located at the top right side of the page
    PFAS contaminants detected
    1. Click on any individual water system or point in the map to show the following information in a pop up window:

      • PWSID
      • County where water system is located
      • Population Served
      • Service Connection(s)
      • Total # of samples taken
      • Total # of detections
      1. In cases where PFAS were detected (red regions), hovering your mouse over the pie chart will allow you to see which PFAS contaminants were detected as well as how many of each (count) contaminant were detected
    Average PFAS Levels
    1. Select one of the following map features you are interested in learning more about: landfills, airports, and water systems based on their primary facility water type. To learn more about the different primary source water types, please click here.

      1. Clicking on a groundwater, surface water, purchased surface water, and groundwater under influence of surface water system will yield the following results in a pop up window:

        • PWSID
        • County where water system is located
        • Population Served
        • Service Connection(s)
        • Primary facility water type
        • List of average concentrations for each PFAS (ng/L)
      2. Clicking on an airport will yield the following results in a pop up window:

        • Facility Name
        • Airport Identification
        • City in which airport is located
        • County in which airport is located
        • Lead water regional control board
        • Additional contact and site information
      3. Clicking on a landfill will yield the following results in a pop up window:

        • Facility Name
        • City in which landfill is located
        • County in which landfill is located
        • Lead water regional control board
        • Additional contact and site information


PFOA & PFOS Levels
  1. Select the map (PFOA or PFOS) you are interested in learning more about using the tabs along the top (middle) of the page

  2. Selecting either an airport or landfill in the map will show the same information listed in 3.1.b and 3.1.c above in a pop up window.

  3. Selecting any individual point or water system in the map will show the following results in a pop up window:

    • PWSID
    • County where water system is located
    • Population Served
    • Service Connection(s)
    • Total # of detections
    • Average, minimum, and maximum concentrations of the contaminant (ng/L)

To view maps of PFAS data from the 2013-2015 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Program, please click here.